Kalan Porter – Hurray (I’m Bringing Scrabble Back)
Posted by admin | Posted in Board Games | Posted on 18-09-2010
Tagged Under : back, Bringing, Hurray, Kalan, Porter, Scrabble
Video for Kalan Porter’s “Hurray” featured on his new album, Wake Up Living, available now!
UPDATE: I’m starting a new weekly project called Songs From A Hat, to see what the fuss is about go to www.youtube.com A song about my scrabble addiction. PLEASE COMMENT AND RATE 🙂 Lyrics: Everybody has an addiction Everybody has an infatuation But my quirky obsession, it runs real deep It keeps me from getting much sleep oh I I’m addicted to scrabble I came across scrabble years ago An old wizard said, “let me teach you what I know” And I said, “Okay, I’ll be your pupil” He taught me how to spell; he made me recite He taught me words nobody knows like aiguilles and qi And now, I’m addicted to scrabble Chorus: Oh, ABCDEFG I’ll bingo your ass before you can use your ‘Z’ And then, I’ll triple-word-score your Mama! Think before you challenge me ’cause I’m the Doogie Howser of Scrabble prodigies ‘oh, I love scrabble My top score is 743 And my best bingo is “PORTING” And I’ve memorized every two-letter word in Sowpods Better watch out cause I’ll throw you a phony Before you can spell abalone Oh, I love scrabble Chorus You may say I’m a nerd And to that I retort, “yes I am. So what?” I may be a nerd but at least I’m not a Stupid, small vocabulary, gun-slinging nut! chorus
Video Rating: 4 / 5
That was funny. I love when grandma spells out nice hair jackass. That was priceless.
I loveee the old man in the scooter at the end 🙂
He’s drinking an Allen’s juice box! :DDD
LOVE THIS SONG!! I just did a cover of Kalan’s “Beauty” off of the CD Wake Up Living. If you want to see the video I posted, covering this song,
LOL Thats the best Kalan Porter video ever!!!
Kalan is so adorable!!!!
hahahahah too funny!!
So cute!!
greatest music video ever!
Is it needy for me to want him to have another CD come out already? and for this time there to be lyrics, &COLOURED picz? LOL!! i love kalan. so perfect, so smexy!
Lmao, I love the part with the juice box XD
@cablecorkpipeSBTB Haha, lmfao, tru dat ;D
I’d like to say, you can’t play heartbeat in scrabble
worst song and even worse video. What a tool
cool thxs
looks like you’ll have to buy the Album “Wake Up Living” to get the song. it’s no longer on Itunes…why I’m not sure…You won’t be disappointed though…:D great album.
oretty sure that the same old woman whos the granny in the score commercials for ncaa lol
where can i download this song??
cuz i love it XD
They looked utterly impressed when Grandpa knocked the board over xD
If you guys wanna get the latest scoop on what Kalan is up to, follow him on Twitter! His username is KalanMusic.
lmfao! Nice one Grandpa
This is a great video. Very funny.
Granma, you got pwned. Oldschool scrabble style.
lol i love this music video its cute lol……O_O
this is an amazing video i play it while playing scrabble. it distracts me from finding words but i love it!
Very Good. Very clever. and lots of effort. Good stuff!
hahhahhahahha…funnily good…
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nice!! not bad you know!! liked it!!
I love this song and scrabble!
@uanarchyk well nothing is more offensive than being a wanker. you are from the united kingdom and so that automatically makes you a wanker. what is the key to a wanker’s heart? vaseline for christmas is my guess. hahaha.
Wow. How much more offensive could you be. Pronouncing ‘qi’ like ‘key’ You probably don’t realise how insulting that is, but still…
pretty cool
screw what they say you rock ..and i know your cool . I hope you do more.
crazy hoe. your real addiction is crystal meth
hahahahahahhahah thats clever
yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s “chee”
either way, i got it wrong 🙂
no, don’t listen to iam32101. he-she obviously stole-inhaled too much laughing gas at he-she’s dentist clinic while the dentist stepped away for a minute. normal people who don’t take drugs knows that no one cannot truly rock with a acoustic guitar. jimi hendrix tried it. he couldn’t.
hahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha lol you r=ock
Well done!
But ya gotta leave my mother out of it!
Pronounced like Chi? possibly.
You mention the word QI in the song, lols it is actually pronounced like key 😀 I am also addicted
“bored” game? I HOPE that is intentional!
hay abby. sorry about all my negative comments from b4. i used to be about 10 times more retorted than forrest gump. but i suddenly gained about 93 more IQ points and i now see the light. one of my pupil is dilated from staring too much into the floodlight but i think you have potential to get really good as a songwriter. seriously. keep up the good work. again, i apologize. sorry.
this people understands tumour. her song is funny if you just inhaled a tank of nitrous oxide. cheech and chong’s mexican americans beaners song. now that’s a funny song. no need for N2O.
Abby, oh shit, how I’d love to listen new songs from you again
i freaking love scrabble.