Where Can I download a free scrabble dictionary?
Posted by admin | Posted in Board Games | Posted on 11-09-2010
Tagged Under : Dictionary, Download, Free, Scrabble
Question by daveydave1960: Where Can I download a free scrabble dictionary?
I’ve done yahoo searches and all I find are dictionaries that are not the complete scrabble players dictionary.
Best answer:
Answer by nehalpatel1996
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why dont you just buy one at your local bookstore. they are only like 8 bucks
I just went to google, searched for scrabble dictionary, and they have it right there. I think it was even the first item. Easy. Not only that, but even though it’s not technically a SCRABBLE dictionary, just use a regular dictionary. It’ll make it lots faster, and does it really matter if scrabble counts it? if it’s a word, it’s a word.
http://scrabble.com has a dictionary tool. you can’t read from it to learn words, but if you are playing, it’s just as good as the book for resolving challenges.
that’s all i know of that is free.