6 Tips for Se Friendly Web Design
Posted by admin | Posted in Iphone | Posted on 19-09-2010
Tagged Under : Design, friendly, Tips
6 Tips for Se Friendly Web Design
Here there are some tips for designing a web page SE friendly.
1. Choose the name of the URL based on the keywords – put 2-3 keywords separated by hyphens, NOT underscores. Search engines see hyphens as dividers and ignore underscores.
2. Insert a title for your web page. It should have around 60 (max 64) characters with spaces; some of the search engines will cut your title at this length, so keep it short. Put the most important keywords at the beginning. Try to not repeat words in title, if it is necessary only one word twice (maximum). You could insert plurals and different forms of the same word (ex: consulting, consultant, consultants). Check to see which form you should use (use Wordtracker or ask your SEO specialist).
3. Insert a meta description. Some of the search engines read it, as long as your web page is not listed in DMoz. It should be a concise description of your web page, not longer than 200 characters with spaces.
4. Insert a meta keywords tag. Don’t count on it, because most of the search engines do not use it. It should have between 10 and 20 keywords (max 900 characters with spaces) which describe your web page. These keywords should appear on your web page at least once. Do not repeat a particular word in the keywords tag more than three times. The search engines will penalize you! Use synonyms, misspellings and capital letters.
5. Create the content of your web page looking at your web page through search engines eyes:
– search engines download for reading only first 100k of the page – so INSERT the most important keywords at the top of the page
– use the keywords in H1/H2 tags, format them with Bold or Italic, or in links; this means that they are important
– search engines do not read java script – so DO NOT OUTPUT TEXT THROUGH JAVA SCRIPT
– search engines do not read images and flash elements – so images with text on them are useless. DO NOT INSERT images and flash elements at the top of the page. If it is necessary, add images with relevant ALT text. DO NOT USE FLASH INTROS.
– do not repeat a keyword many times in the page content. If it appears twice is enough. The keyword density should not be greater than 7-8% otherwise your web page will be penalized for spamming.
– the download page time is an important factor in SEO. Try to reduce the number and the size of the images and multimedia files as much as it is possible. The total web page size should be less than 30K (which means 8s downloading time on 56K connections). Reduce the number and size of CSS files – best – use 1 file with a size – take care at the broken links!
6. Do not use redirect pages except if they are SEO friendly, check online tools to find details about 301 redirection.
RoWeb Development, Web Design and Development Outsourcing company, has one goal to provide affordable, high quality web design, online marketing, asp.net and php development. Whether you are an individual, professional or business you can be sure that we will prove to be the company you can count on.
The Friendship Song – “Friends are Quiet Angels” is available for download and as a Personalized Gift CD at www.weddingmusiccentral.com A while back we got an e mail with a saying that started with “Friends Are Quiet Angels”. As songwriters, we couldn’t pass up such a great idea. We knew it would make a beautiful song and tribute to friendship. “The Friendship Song” expresses feelings for a special friend not only in words, but in music, and beautifully sung by Molly Pasutti. Now that we’ve discovered YouTube, our staff members, Jaimie and Drew put together this video for us. Even ‘man’s best friend’ got in the act! We hope it moves you as much as it does us. Please comment. We’d love to hear from you. Thanks, Gloria and Barbara © 2007 G. Sklerov & B. Rothstein All rights reserved “Friends are Quiet Angels” Friends are quiet angels Who lift us to our feet When our wings have trouble remembering how to fly They stand by us and give us the strength to try Friends are quiet angels Who somehow make you see The light that’s in the darkness before the dawn All at once the journey’s not so long But it’s the laughter and the fun Sometimes the feeling that we’re one All the tears we cry together you and I That will keep us heart to heart as time goes by Friends are quiet angels Who fill your life with grace Thrilled to share your joy when a dream comes true And on this special day I’m blessed ’cause I can say I’ve found a quiet angel You’re a special angel I found a quiet angel in you
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