Question by Nikoli: How do you feel when people you haven’t met know most of the things about you from your friends words?
In my situation, girls im interested in or seem interested in me find out about my “life” from other people(most of which are not friends or even acquaintances) despite my wishes for it to stop.
It leaves me with nothing to lure, no mystery for a girl to solve, theres nothing new for me to tell a person that ive barely even met. I feel its a reason for failing before things get started.
Best answer:
Answer by BG
If they automatically judge you because of what other people say, they aren’t worth your time. Talk to them first, before they can ask others; they’re only asking because they’re curious. If they mention that they’ve heard things about you say “You shouldn’t judge a person before you talk to them.” Its a good way to make them realize that they should have talked to you first 🙂
If you are doing “questionable” things tho, reputation does spread fyi.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
What? Do you write a stinking facebook article or myspace talking about your life? I’m sure its something like that. You moron get off the interenet and talking about yourself so much.