where can i buy Scrabble in Spanish on cd-rom or download the spanish version to my cellphone?

Posted by admin | Posted in Board Games | Posted on 18-09-2010

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Question by extramural: where can i buy Scrabble in Spanish on cd-rom or download the spanish version to my cellphone?

i enjoy playing scrabble in english as well as spanish… however trying to find the spanish scrabble in other formats than board game is frustrating… any ideas or suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by unwonted
http://www.xtec.es/~bfiguera/indexhis.html#scrabble has some Spanish word games that you can download to your PC. Scrabble isn’t among them but there might be something fun.

http://www.piensoyjuego.es/index.php also has a bunch of games, not Scrabble per se, but some involve words.

http://www.scrabbel.org.uy/ has an online Spanish language Scrabble game.

You might also contact info@scrabble-assoc.com , the Scrabble Association.

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