Kid Rock says he didn’t fight until provoked

Posted by admin | Posted in Iphone | Posted on 18-09-2010

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Kid Rock says he didn’t fight until provoked

Musician Kid Rock testified Thursday that he exchanged some tough words with another customer before a 2007 fight at a Waffle House restaurant in Georgia but didn’t start fighting until provoked. The other man, however, told the court he doesn’t know what set off the musician and his friends. “I gave it to him verbally; I said, ‘Shut your mouth, man,'” the singer testified in DeKalb County court …

Read more on Pioneer Press

‘Once-in-a-lifetime chance’

Thoughts of those who saw the Pope in Twickenham

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Facebook Still a Hotbed of Identity Theft, Study Claims

User negligence has gotten worse in social networks, security firm Sophos says after study.

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