Do the Words ?Let?s Be Friends? Mean The Relationship Is Over?
Posted by admin | Posted in Iphone | Posted on 18-09-2010
Tagged Under : Friends, Lets, Mean, over, Relationship, Words
Do the Words ?Let?s Be Friends? Mean The Relationship Is Over?
Many people end relationships by saying, “Let’s just be friends”. Hearing those words may leave you feeling hurt and frustrated. What does that phrase actually mean? Does this mean the relationship is over with no chance of reconciliation or do they really mean that they want you to stay a part of their life?
A Phrase to Ease the Pain and Walk Away
Many times when the person you are dating says, “Let’s just be friends”, what they are really saying is “It’s over”. In searching for a way to ease the pain they are going to cause, they will say what they think you will want to hear. You want to hear that they still value you but simply don’t want to date you. If you find yourself in this predicament, your best bet is to walk away and start your search for someone who values and loves you as you are. After all, it’s unlikely that you are going to change their mind.
A Phrase to Take a Break
Sometimes when a person says, “Lets just be friends” they mean exactly what they say. They may feel that maintaining an intimate relationship is time consuming and emotionally draining. For them, a friendship is much easier to deal with. They may enjoy spending time with you but don’t have the energy or desire to make a relationship work at the present time. For them, they mean the phrase “Let’s just be friends”. It’s highly probable that they need time to think things through about the relationship and how you fit in their life. This is what is called getting a clear perspective.
If you believe that the second case is true in your situation then all hope is not lost. What you need to do is back off for a bit, follow their lead and be patient. Chances are that they are going to realize that a good friend is what you want when looking at a long-term relationship.
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