Is there a list of allowable Scrabble words available online?

Posted by admin | Posted in Board Games | Posted on 19-09-2010

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Question by whatsinhisboxers24: Is there a list of allowable Scrabble words available online?

I enjoy playing Scrabble but my dictionary is over ten years old and as such out of date and my vocabulary is somewhat limited! I can’t afford to buy the Official Scrabble Players dictionary. Is there a word list (pref. UK) available anywhere online that I can browse/download for FREE?
I should add that I want a list that I can download to print off and keep with the board game so that when I play with my son we can reference the list and improve our game. Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by Ifeelyourpain
Try an online dictionary site. I believe any word in the English language is an allowable Scrabble word, so any online dictionary site would be sufficient.

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Is there a Scrabble game on Facebook that allows users from different countries to play together?

Posted by admin | Posted in Board Games | Posted on 19-09-2010

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Question by frenchhcosurfer: Is there a Scrabble game on Facebook that allows users from different countries to play together?

I have a friend that lives in Uruguay, and I live in a different country. Is there an app on Facebook that would allow both of us to use Scrabble?

Best answer:

Answer by .:Sexeh Sariah:.
Make one!

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