Super Scrabble Reviews
Posted by admin | Posted in Board Games | Posted on 30-06-2010
Tagged Under : Reviews, Scrabble, Super
Super Scrabble
- Larger game board, extra spaces.
- Twice the tiles in an all new letter distribution
- History booklet
- Drawstring letter storage bag for wooden tiles
Everyone loves the timeless gameplay of Scrabble. Now, with Super Scrabble, you’ll be able to add to your fun with more tiles, more spaces and more scoring.You’ll find 200 wooden letter tiles, comprising a unique letter distribution, that permits you to make words not possible in regular gameplay (without using the blanks). The Super Scrabble gameboard has nearly twice the amount of spaces of a standard board (441 spaces compared to 225). The added room allows your words to spread further and fa
Rating: (out of 58 reviews)
List Price: $ 36.99
Price: $ 19.50
Review by Gypsie for Super Scrabble
My boyfriend and I are Scrabble addicts! We play every night. Super Scrabble is so much fun. You have twice as many letters, spaces and scores. The board features 441 spaces vice 225 on the original. There is also the addition of quadruple word and letter spaces. We love it and now our friends as us to bring it over too. If you love Scrabble, you will love Super Scrabble. Warning: Games take twice as long.
Review by Traveler for Super Scrabble
Super Scrabble is such a great idea that it’s surprising no one thought of it until now. Twice as many spaces, twice as many letters, bigger words (more educational and more fun), and higher scores.
The one big drawback here is that this game doesn’t come as a deluxe version with grid lines and a spinning lazy-susan base. You nudge the board and it’s likely the letters will move. The deluxe version (of the original game) is far more user friendly – if you nudge the board the letters don’t get all scrambled and those with bad eyesight can easily spin the board in their direction so they can see better.
Still, I highly recommend this game. And to the game makers: Please make a deluxe version!
Review by J. Vilches for Super Scrabble
Super Scrabble has a bigger board (21×21) and twice the letters of regular Scrabble. Think of the possibilities – two Q’s, two Z’s! But the letters aren’t blindly doubled – the distribution has changed a bit. Throw in the quadruple letter and word squares, and it’s a whole new game. If you like Scrabble, this is sure to be a hit.
Keep a regular dictionary close by, as well as the standard Scrabble dictionary. Because of the different letter distribution, there are words possible in Super Scrabble that aren’t possible with regular Scrabble. You still keep the same number of tiles (7) on your rack, so you won’t really be playing longer words. It takes a little mental rearrangement to get used to looking for the new bonus squares, and a little effort not to overlook the old triple standbys.
The board is spacious enough that it’s easier to play long words deep into the game. The bigger board could be a little bit of a pain to twist around if you don’t like to look at it upside down – we’ve been putting it on the lazy-susan on our kitchen table, and that has worked out just fine. But be warned, the bigger board is also easier to bump into, which skews the letters around – the surface seems to be a little slicker than our regular Scrabble board.
The games do last a lot longer – if we start a game in the evening, we almost always have to finish it the next day. So far, it’s been easy to more than double our normal Scrabble scores. Highly recommended if you’re a Scrabble-addict or just like word-intensive games.
Review by Nirah for Super Scrabble
Wow- a much bigger board, and twice the letters. They didn’t just double the letters- you’ll find that they more than doubled the letters S and O, and that they eased up on the letter I (nothing more depressing than getting 4 Is at a time). The big board is very roomy- you’ll find it much easier to put down 7 letter words. However, due to the new QUAD letter and Quad WORD spaces, and the fact that there are now 8 easy spots to get a double-double word score, you’ll find that that 50 point bonus pales beside the points you can rack up for fairly ordinary words on the new spots. (Example- place ‘crazy’ so the Z hits one of the quad letters and the word hits a double word, and you get 98 points, 80 from the Z alone).
I’ve only played twice so far, but I can see the strategy is VERY different with the bigger board and the extra Ss. The game goes a little faster than you’d think (all the 7-letter words eat up the tiles fast, so the game take less than twice as many moves to complete as regular scrabble).
Review by D. DeLucia for Super Scrabble
My family and I are avid Scrabble players and looked forward to trying the new Super Scrabbble edition. We were, however, sorely disappointed. The only thing “super” about it is that it is super-long. While it was a great idea to add more letters, higher points per word and a larger board, the end product seemed an inferior edition, hastily manufactured and largely untested.
The manufacturer simply added a border to the existing Scrabble game board. The new higher point squares are all near the periphery so it takes some game time to be able to use them. The board itself is flimsy and too large to comfortably swivel as each player takes their turn. It would be better to have it on a turning pedestal similar to the Deluxe edition. There are many more tiles on this board. It would have been nice to have the tile pockets on the board to hold them all in place – again like the Deluxe edition.
The score pad is too short for the length of this game and the increased number of tiles should be in a larger bag as the same size bag makes it harder to pass and mix. We tried giving each player nine, instead of the standard seven, tiles but the tile holder is too short for this to be comfortable.
In short, we do not recommend this new version. It compares unfavorably to the Deluxe Scrabble edition.